Arthritis Care

Arthritis in cats and dogs can be managed with proper care and veterinary guidance.

Arthritis is joint (arthr-) inflammation (-itis). This inflammation results in chronic degeneration of joint cartilage and the adjacent bone that is mostly caused by aging. The joint cartilage serves a vital function in the lubrication and cushioning between bones and several health problems occur when it is compromised.

What are the symptoms of arthritis in pets?

This disorder may ultimately result in advanced stiffness, joint pain, limping, muscle atrophy, falling, reluctance to climb stairs, licking of joints, loss of appetite and personality changes.

What causes arthritis in dogs and cats?

This condition is often caused by the natural aging process, and typically manifests later in your pet’s life.

What are some treatment options for arthritis in dogs and cats?

You can apply some of the simple strategies below to help your pet better cope with their arthritis. Schedule a consultation with our team so that we can create a treatment plan specifically for your pet and your unique lifestyle requirements.

  • Maintain an optimal body weight by ensuring that they eat healthy food
  • Massage and physical therapy
  • Restriction on the amount of exercise and joint trauma while allowing enough movement to maintain and
    increase muscle strength (e.g. low impact activities like swimming and walks).
  • Pain relievers and joint supplements, such as chondroprotective and omega-3 fatty acids
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are frequently used for chronic pain control in dogs
  • Therapeutic diets
  • Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine and spinal manipulation

Can I give my pet Aspirin?

We strongly recommend against using these types of medications in dogs and cats. The medications made specifically for animals have not only better efficacy, but are much safer than medications made for humans. Additionally, in some circumstances, administration of a human medication can be fatal to dogs and cats even in small doses. If you have questions about using an over-the-counter pain reliever please speak directly with your veterinarian.

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